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- Starlight -
Tonight a star was born

7th of October 09:
Today has been a bit of a weird day. My boyfriend is with his family saying goodbye to his grandma :(
While I have only met her a few times she still made such a big impression on me the last time I saw her, at her 80th birthday. She had a little speech telling the family how happy she was that everyone was together and how it was one of the best days for her. While she spoke she had this heartfelt look in her eyes which brought tears to my eyes and I could just feel that she really meant it. It’s moments like this that are so precious and beautiful. I still remember the day so clearly. I think that is why it feels so weird these days. The funeral is this Wednesday and I am not looking forward to it. I have never been to a funeral that I can remember, I only have this wage memory of when my grandma and granddad died while I was still so little. Mostly I just remember the feeling it gave me and this sad empty mood upon everyone.

I do feel happy that she seemed happy and at peace when she died and my boyfriend and the rest of the family was able to say goodbye to her while she was unconscious at the hospital (doctors said she could hear them though she couldn’t respond back). I think it helps a bit and maybe put a bit of closure when you loose a loved one.

I couldn’t get the thought of loosing my close family out of my head and began drawing this girl… the stars represents the people who are now gone and shines down on all of us. It kind of makes it more bare able thinking we find peace and get to be a part of the beautiful sky of stars.

I used the sweet Kaia as model, a picture of her I have loved for a while and just needed the right idea for…
You can see it here: link

Close up of her face: link

Made with charcoal.
(40x30cm | 16x12 inches)

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© Zindy S. D. Nielsen
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