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- Midnight Rose -

The moment I saw the photo of a friend of mine: >link< I knew I wanted to do a drawing based on her. Lately I have been into drawing moons and this was a new opportunity to do a darker drawing with a moon included. Red is usually hard to scan and it always loose a certain depth. While I usually am always happy with my scanner I feel the drawing lost some life in transaction, thought I tried to adjust the colours the best I could. The drawing changed throughout the process as I wasn't really sure about the colours and the detail with the rose and pedals till I was near the end. Looking at it now I couldn't imagine it without the very red and the rose as it made the drawing more special to me. I like her look of innocense in the drawing, it's probably my favourite part.
I am not exaxctly sure how many hours went into this but it's one of my most time consuming drawings and I was very caught up in it from the very beginning till the end.

Made with soft pastels.
(40x30cm | 16.5x11")
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Midnight Rose by Zindy S. D. Nielsen
© Zindy S. D. Nielsen

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